
Final dress of my first ever Butterfly tonight (LA 2014)! I'm so excited. A long time ago, a really smart man named Chuck Hudson taught me to ask questions. About everything. He taught me to do the research, analyze and map out the story arc, my intentions, my objectives and my super objectives, amongst many other things. I really don't think I could have taken on this role without these things...Thanks Chuck!!! I would have been completely lost without it!

Thank you SO much. It was great to work with you and I'd love to continue to work together on Zoom. It was so refreshing to do this work with you and feel newly invigorated by acting the pieces, rather than exhausted by them, as rehashing these arias can sometimes feel for me!

Bravo and thank you for the terrific work you did with Johanna Will (District Winner of Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions). She just sang through her pieces for the MET council audition, and your superb coaching is evident. She’s never been more expressive, clear and confident in her presentation. She DID understand your approach, and I’m thrilled and convinced that this helped with her success today.

Both Manase (tenor) and Samson (bass/baritone) got into the Young Artist Programme at the Met. You can claim a good chunk of the credit for that...So many of the young singers who are doing so well were helped massively by you.

Chuck is the real deal - highly recommended!

Far too few programs offer this sort of training which is particularly evident when we send younger artists to audition in Europe. We often get the feedback from EU presenters that “the voice is beautiful and the technique is flawless, but the artist is so boring!” Thanks for doing your part in combating that.

My day ended with a mind-blowing, enlightening and fun coaching session with director, Chuck Hudson, who is so brilliant at showing you that even within a 6 minute aria you can create a scene, a story and a dramatic intensity that supports the music and communicates the text.

I had a very successful NYIOP audition and I know a large part of this success is because of you. Our few sessions together have had a surprisingly wide spread effect on my way of thinking, artistry, and results. Just wanted to thank you for your mentorship and knowledge

I was accepted to and will be attending the Jacobs School of Music in the fall of 2021! I wanted to thank you for your help throughout this process. I am sure that your patience and expertise made my audition package much more competitive, and helped me get into my first choice school.

Had the greatest time yesterday working with Chuck Hudson on some new audition material! Singer friends: Have a coaching with Chuck next time he is in NYC! I can not say enough amazing things! Thank you Chuck!!

I loved how clear, specific and easy to follow every session was. Your experience on the stage and as an acting coach was evident, and even though I felt overwhelmed for the amount of information, at the end I felt encouraged.

I’ve actually been applying your staging of arias in to many of my auditions and repertoire and not only is it received better but it means that I have more enjoyment and freedom when I’m singing.

I just wanted to send a big thank you to Pacific Opera (Sydney) for subsiding and coordinating private lessons with Chuck Hudson. Chuck brought such incredible dramatic nuance to the texts we worked on. His ability to illuminate rich and expressive subtexts helped me to expand my thinking about characterisation. He has demystified audition and recital presentation for me in a way that I’m sure will effect every performance I give from now on. I have not experienced this kind of coaching before. It has highlighted for me that every singer can be connected with text and context in a way that enables their best performance, regardless of the setting in which they are performing. I really appreciate that P.O. saw it fit to give everyone the opportunity to work with Chuck at this level. Thank you for your support and mentorship of us all.

Thank you so much Chuck, I’m feeling so much better ever since we started working together. I had a lot of confidence issues and like you said, when we know what we do in every given moment, the confidence just comes by itself. I feel so privileged to work with you and all my work is starting to make perfect sense now.  I find our work essential as I am preparing to audition with my repertoire. I’m so grateful to you!!

I will be doing my first professional role next year…so I wanted to thank you for all your coaching. Working with you has really helped me be present and in my body, and it has really helped me in my auditions.

I wanted to thank you for our work together (I can’t wait to see you again), and let you know that the tools we worked on have been game changers even after one session. I have felt so secure in my auditions and had a great turn out so far with casting for the fall and winter. Most of all, I was offered a spot on Wade Artist Management’s roster as a principle artist!

Just want to say a heartfelt big thank you to Pacific Opera for enabling me to have that coaching..it was the best singing coaching/experience I have had in a seriously long time. Many thanks

I got more out of my hour with him than all of my theater classes in college combined!

I came third in the International Classical Singer Competition (emerging professional division) in Chicago from a very big group and very competitive field of singers. I performed in over five rounds for the podium finish. Thanks very much for the coaching and insights, it made a big difference to the dramatic delivery.

I want to extend my gratitude to you for working with the Athlone Artists over these past few months. It has been a treat to learn from someone who has such a mastery of his craft, and to do so in such an organized and entertaining way.

I just wanted to drop you a quick line to thank you again for the work we did in Auckland. I had my audition at Guildhall last week, and sang the Stravinsky – and just found out I got in! The great thing was that, after all the work we had done on that aria, I felt so calm and in control in the audition, and much more able to really perform it even under stress – so thank you very much!

I wanted to write to you to thank you and say how much I learned from your course…I went on to audition at the Guildhall School of Music in London and in all three of the audition rounds I found myself re-creating/inventing the arias that we worked through together and because of the planning and “beats of action” we talked through, I felt so much more confident and comfortable…I have been accepted into the Opera Studies Programme at Guildhall on a full fees scholarship, which I am just over the moon about. I really believe that the coaching sessions with you made such an enormous difference to my thinking about singing and performing in general and I am very thankful to have had the time to work with you — thank you for helping me to set my standards for myself much higher.